Horner Photographic Research Project

The Folly Doorway by Anthony Horner
A Culture Recovery Fund grant from Arts Council England helped us set up a short pilot project in 2022 to assess the contents of the Horner Photographic Studio soon after it was acquired by the Museum. A team of volunteers, working with a consultant photographic historian, began to list, digitise and repackage the collection, with support from a grant from Museums Development Yorkshire that enabled us to purchase specialist storage media.
The Horner Collection: Through a New Lens
With a major grant from the Art Fund‘s Reimagine scheme, the Museum of North Craven Life’s exciting new project is uncovering the history of Settle’s photographic studio, run by the Horner family from 1864 to 1960. Through a New Lens aims to share a century’s worth of images of local people and places through a new online catalogue. We are inviting anyone with an interest in the visual history of Settle and the surrounding area to get involved. Please contact us for more information.
Many of the Horner photographs can now be viewed online via our catalogue.