Lecture: Walter Morrison: A Man of Many Parts


Fri, 21 May 2021. The zoom lecture will begin at 7:30pm. Attendees can join the event from 7:15pm.


An oil portrait of Walter Morrison. He wears a black suit and has a large white beardThis is the story of the Grand Old Man of Craven as he was affectionately known. A politician, local landowner, military man, businessman and benefactor; the talk explores these and other aspects of his life.

This lecture is the opening event of the Walter Morrison Festival, a series of exhibitions, events and tours to celebrate his life and good works in Craven. Exhibitions will open from 22nd May.

Robin Bundy is the archivist of the Malhamdale Local History Group.

This lecture is free but booking is essential.

You can now watch the lecture online.

Further info

Cost: Free


This event is part of Walter Morrison Festival