Walter Morrison, the Grand Old Man of Craven: Key Stages One to Four

Explore the life and work of Walter Morrison, ‘the Grand Old Man of Craven’, who lived from 1836 to 1921. These downloadable resources have been created as part of the 2021 Walter Morrison Festival to support the National Curriculum at all key stages, with creative ideas and inspiration for cross-curricular working – in the classroom and for learning at home.

How to Use the Resources

Each pack contains guidance notes for teachers or for home learning, with background information about Walter’s life and role in Craven. There is an accompanying power point presentation containing high-resolution images and an Engage video to introduce the Key Question for pupils to consider.

The Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 pack asks why Walter can be considered a significant local person. It includes cross-curricular activity ideas and resources linked to exploring local history, particularly the lives of significant individuals.

The Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4 pack explores Walter’s role in political and social reforms, and the development of modern democracy. It includes activity ideas and resources linked to History and Citizenship.

Although Walter Morrison is closely linked to North Craven, the pack can be used to fit with broader classroom teaching about life in the past and inspiration for creative activities. National Curriculum links and learning objectives are provided.

Structure of the Resources

  • Engage – each theme is introduced through an object from the museum. A video introducing the object and explaining how it links to the theme is available on the accompanying power point presentations
  • Enquiry – a Key Question for students to critically consider
  • Evidence – museum objects and information provided for students to work through and reach their own conclusion to the Key Question
  • Explain – pupils use the evidence to answer the Key Question, through a piece of creative writing
  • Explore – activity to extend learning
  • Creative Connections – an inspiration gallery of images and ideas for further literacy and creative work

The Museum of North Craven Life would like to thank Amy Baggaley for the creation of these resources which were funded by Arts Council England and The Craven Trust.