Photography and filming

Photography, filming, sound recording and sketching

North Craven Building Preservation Trust’s collections aim to be inspiring, relevant and engaging for our community and visitors. You are welcome to take photographs, record and sketch in our museum galleries, subject to certain conditions. We take care in looking after our collections and try keep our museum a safe and welcoming space for all. There are a number of ways that you can help us to do this during your visit.

Photography and Filming for Personal Use

You are welcome to photograph yourself, your family and friends, for personal use only, using a hand-held camera or phone. Please do not use flash, selfie sticks or tripods. You may share these images on social media, but we ask you to acknowledge the museum.

For reasons of security and safeguarding, filming and video recording in the museum galleries is not allowed, even for personal use, except by prior arrangement. Contact us if you wish to make film / video recordings, stating what you want to film and why.


Copyright and Loan Restrictions

Due to copyright and loan restrictions, photographing, filming and sketching of some objects, displays or exhibitions may not be permitted. Where this is the case, this symbol will be displayed:

The reasons for this are:

  • Loan conditions – when objects are loaned to the Museum, we agree to terms and conditions which may include clauses related to conservation and photography.
  • Protection of copyright – the Museum cannot allow photography of works still in copyright without the permission of the copyright holder. We do not have this for all works on display, especially in temporary exhibitions.

You must assign copyright in all photographs taken in the Museum or of museum objects to the North Craven Building Preservation Trust. The photographs must not be displayed in any public place, published, sold or used for advertisement, promotion or any other commercial purpose without written agreement in advance and payment of fees.

Commercial and Professional Purposes

We do not allow commercial or professional still photography in the Museum. This helps us avoid:

  • Loss of income from image sales – licensing of our copyright images for commercial purposes helps us raise funds to ensure that we can continue to care for and provide access to the collections.
  • Misrepresentation – it could damage our credibility if images are used with inaccurate information about the Museum or its collections.

We can supply high quality images of many of the objects on display – please contact us for prices.

Film-makers / producers

Professional filming, video or sound recording will be subject to a facilities fee. Please contact us in advance for a copy of our guidelines and to discuss your requirements. Film crews must by accompanied at all times, so we usually need at least one month’s notice.


We welcome artists who are inspired by our buildings and collections. Please contact us in advance if you wish to sketch in the museum. For conservation reasons there are restrictions on the media permitted within the galleries.


  • You are welcome to photograph yourself, your family and friends, for personal use only, using a hand-held camera or phone. Please do not take photographs of people not known to you whilst in our museum galleries.
  • Parental, guardian or school permission will be sought for all photographs, filming and sound recording of children during formally arranged projects or events, such as school visits or youth groups.
  • During public events where filming and photography are taking place and it is not practicable to obtain written permission, visitors will be made aware by signage at the entrance to the event. Those who wish not to be photographed will be given a sticker that indicates their preference and all the images in which they feature will be deleted.

By taking photographs in the Museum you agree to these conditions.