Leave a legacy
Bequests to the Trust have a significant impact, enabling us to secure the future of historic and architecturally important buildings at risk and maintain The Folly and the Grade II listed Zion Chapel. They help us to preserve and acquire new material for the collections of the Museum of North Craven Life, and to develop key posts relating both to buildings research and to museum activities.
For more information about how a legacy could help us, download our legacy leaflet (pdf).
How to include the Trust in your will
The information below is intended to help you when you visit your solicitor to make or update your will. There are two main ways of leaving a legacy to the Trust. Some wording for each is provided below. In both examples, please note that the Trust has charitable status for all UK and USA tax purposes.
Pecuniary Legacy
‘I give free of tax to the North Craven Building Preservation Trust (NCBPT) the sum of £….. (preferably inflation linked to the Retail Price Index) and declare that the receipt of the NCBPT’s Chair of Trustees shall be full and sufficient discharge.’
Residuary Legacy
‘Subject to the payment of my debts, funeral and testamentary expenses, I give free of tax the whole of my estate not otherwise disposed of by this my will (alternatively, x percent of my residuary estate) to the North Craven Building Preservation Trust and declare that the receipt of the NCBPT’s Chair of Trustees shall be a full and sufficient discharge.’
Bequeathing objects or archives
If you are thinking of giving memorabilia or collections to the Museum of North Craven Life, please contact the Honorary Curator in the first instance to discuss the most appropriate way to do this. You can make a specific legacy by naming an item to be left in your Will, such a collection of books or a property.
You can choose how you would like us to use your gift. For us, unrestricted gifts (which enable us to devote funds to the area of greatest need) are tremendously valuable. However, if you would like to support a specific aspect of our work, such as buildings preservation, exhibitions and public programmes, or caring for our collections, please say so in your Will. We will honour your wishes.